Why Your Leadership Needs To Understand Personality Types

As we continue our understanding of leadership, today I want to expand our Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, by discussing the importance of understanding personality types in the workplace.

Now, we’ve been hanging out together for a while and I just have to ask, Are you a square? No, not that kind of square!

Maybe you’re a circle or a triangle?

We can identify our personality tendencies with some simple geometry. Yikes - no formulas I promise!

We are multi-dimensional people and have many sides to us. However, we have natural tendencies that we can relate to one or two specific shapes.

It’s important to have representation of all of these shapes on your team and in your organization to bring different perspectives and ideas for problem-solving, and creating.

As always, I love to hear from you. What shape do you identify with the most and what shape value do you bring to the table?

What is the most challenging shape to work with and how have you learned to leverage those unique qualities of each personality type?

With love,


Coloring Outside the Lines of Leadership

As leaders, we have a responsibility to lead and inspire with clarity.

In our busy world, we often don’t take the time to just think and get really clear about the vision and more importantly, the path, systems, and steps necessary to realize the vision. And even worse, we think we have to get there on our own. This month I want to really dive into how to explore that intuition to gain clarity.

Well, the good news is that we are not on our own.

Prayer and meditation are ways we connect with our Source. Stillness and silence are also paths to feeling that connection with the Universe. French philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal stated, “All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.”

Through stillness, we obtain clarity.

When we have clarity, we have time gained. Time gained comes to us because we have a clearer picture of the problem or dilemma and see an unobstructed path to follow.

I cannot think of a more cost-efficient use of time. The return on investment with time spent in silence with our Source is abundance beyond our wildest dreams. Some color mandalas, some bring mats to work to meditate, while others simply take time during a pause in the day to find their Source connection.

Here’s a quick video I did on two ways to improve your leadership through prayer and meditation, check it out!

Some extra information on Prayer and Meditation in Leadership.

As always, I love hearing your thoughts, what topics would you cover if you were meditating on a lunch break?

With love,


P.S. If you like this blog, you’ll LOVE my 10th Anniversary Edition of Love-Based Leadership - the link is below!